Building your own PC Engines APU router from scratch

Building your own router from scratch can be a fun and rewarding experience!

When you buy a router from us, assembly and OS installation are free of charge; however, many of our customers still choose to build the router and install the operating system themselves. 

We think this is great! It's a learning experience that gives you a complete understanding and control over your networking. Aside from a warm and fuzzy feeling :-)

If you are not sure if you can do it yourself, watch the video below. We have filmed the entire assembly process from start to finish for one of the APU boxes. 

As you see, building a router from scratch is not as hard as people imagine. If you want to build your own, consider using our router builder to select the hardware components. We can assemble the router for you or send you parts for self-assembly. 

Happy hacking!

Choose your own components using router builder or order one of the preconfigured kits for self assembly.


APU2E0: 2x Gigabit LAN, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 2GB RAM

TekLager APU2E0 Router/Firewall. 2x Gigabit LAN, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 2GB RAM. Kompatibel med pfSense, IPFire, OPNSense och andra.

2 098 SEK

(2 622,5 incl. SE 25% VAT)
2 098 SEK 2099-01-01

APU2E0 Router and 802.11ac 3×3 MIMO Access Point

TekLager Open source, OpenWRT access point. wle900vx 802.11ac MIMO

2 026 SEK

(2 532,5 incl. SE 25% VAT)
2 026 SEK 2099-01-01

APU3D4: 3x Gigabit NIC, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 4GB RAM

TekLager APU3D4 Router/Firewall. 3x Gigabit NIC, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 4GB RAM. Kompatibel med pfSense, IPFire, OPNSEnse och andra.

2 638 SEK

(3 297,5 incl. SE 25% VAT)
2 638 SEK 2099-01-01

APU4D4: 4x Gigabit LAN, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 4GB RAM

TekLager APU4D4 Router/Firewall. 4x Gigabit NIC, Quad Core CPU, 16GB SSD, 4GB RAM. Compatible with pfSense, IPFire, OPNSEnse and others.

2 331 SEK

(2 913,75 incl. SE 25% VAT)
2 331 SEK 2099-01-01